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/ Apple Reference & Presen…rary 8 (Internal Edition) / Apple R&P Lib Internal v8.0.iso / 5-Fonts & Software / Applications / TopDown® 3.0 / TopDown®.Help / TopDownÆ.Help.rsrc / PICT_970.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1990-06-24  |  3KB  |  432x224  |  1-bit (2 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | dialog box | earth | sky | web site | window
OCR: FIND/FIND NEXT Function Description You can search the entire document for specified text Both drawings pue Notecards will searched You can specify where the search begi ins in the active drawing from the active to the bottom of its branch from the top leve] Searching case insensitive Ais the same 88 When ? match Y- found the appropriate drawing is highlighted and the symbol is moved to the top of the screen. EIND specifu begins level appr opriate highl lighted sumbol